I want to be fit and healthy, but when will I have time to go to the gym or get in a decent workout? It’s a question that a lot of people struggle with, and it’s the reason why many people simply give up on exercising as a part of their schedule. They may try to do some workouts here and there but then realize they simply don’t have the time to keep up with it. For those looking for alternative solutions, fat freezing treatment can be a convenient option to help achieve their fitness goals without the time commitment of regular workouts.
How do you make time to work out when that time doesn’t seem to be available? The following are some tips to help you carve out a little extra time in your schedule and make opportunity to work out even though you’re a very busy person.
- Prioritize Exercise
If you make sure that you exercise first thing in the morning, you won’t end the day frustrated that you didn’t have enough time to exercise. You may only be able to fit in a few minutes of exercise in the morning, but that’s better than none at all. This is also a really good time to exercise because it kickstarts the metabolic process, meaning that your body will start burning energy before you even have anything to eat for the morning. It’s a tough habit to get into to do exercise first thing each day, but it will become a part of your lifestyle after a couple weeks. You’ll feel like you haven’t started your day properly unless you exercise. Those first few weeks will be tough, but if you can get past that, you’ll have a regular routine that’s really healthy for you.
- Eat Smaller Portion Sizes
This one is probably obvious to people who are trying to lose weight and get fit, but it needs to be included in any list that discusses healthier living habits and a healthier body. You may not have time to watch all your carbs and be careful about how much sugar and fat you’re eating, but if you eat smaller portions, you won’t have to watch all those things as much. You will lose weight, even if you’re not exercising as much as you’d like to. This is another lifestyle habit that’s really tough to start up, but after you’ve done it for a while, you’ll start to have better self-control and portion control.
- Exercise during Breaks
Anytime you have a little down time in your day, you could be doing some exercise. You may not have time to hop over to the gym, but you could do some leg lifts, jumping jacks, air boxing, wall presses, and other exercises that make use of your available space and don’t really require any equipment.
You could take part of your lunch break to exercise, and you can exercise on your commute, if that’s possible. Some people will exercise in the subway or while they are waiting for a bus, doing small movements that add up over time. You could exercise during commercial breaks or while you’re waiting in line. You may be self-conscious about exercising during some of these times, but after a while they become natural. Rather than treating you with odd looks and thinking you’re crazy, most people will probably commend you for trying to live a healthy lifestyle and think well of you for your commitment to exercise.
- Find Ways to Make Extra Time
Are there some things in your life that you could ask someone else to do for you or help you out with? Maybe there are some activities that you could pay someone else to do. When some people have a big work project to do, they may hire someone to cut their grass or clean their home. You can do the same thing for your exercise routine. Consider how you might be able to make a little extra time in your day by hiring professional cleaners (such as this Long Island Cleaning Service) for your home, having someone else do the yard work, or paying a neighbor to run errands for you. You might be surprised at how many teenagers in your neighborhood are willing to pick up a little extra work for some cash. If you have the extra money, you can use it to make yourself some extra time to work out and get fit.
- Walk instead of Ride
You should also look for opportunities to exert yourself and get in a little exercise when you would normally be taking it easy. Instead of riding the elevator, you could take the stairs. Instead of the escalator, you can take the staircase. Instead of riding a few blocks in a bus or taxi, you could walk the distance. Maybe you could walk a few blocks and then take public transport. Instead of driving to work, maybe you could ride a bike.
Some of these will be major changes in your life, and others will just be small ones. It’s up to you to take advantage of opportunities and make time to exercise, and it may be as simple as doing something different in how you get from one place to another.
If you’re really dedicated to getting fit, though, you’ll look for those opportunities and make them yourself rather than just feeling bad for not having enough time to work out.
- Make Exercise Sessions Intense
Maybe you like traditional exercise but you don’t have time to do a full 30 minute or 45 minute exercise routine. That’s okay, as you can fit a really good workout into just 10 minutes. What you want to do is increase the intensity of your workout. This is called high intensity exercise, and it’s usually a very short session of 10 or 15 minutes. You may want to start with something closer to 5 minutes at first, until your body and energy levels adjust. You can do the work of a 30-minute workout session, however, in just 10 minutes, if your exercises are intense and fast paced.
I feel like most people use “I don’t have time” as an excuse. You need like 3 maybe 4 hours a week(!) tops to keep yourself in shape, and I bet pretty much everyone has this time, they just don’t want to give up their other stuff for it. Was kinda the same with me few years back before I got into my running routine( I think at one point I saw an ad on an amateur marathon event by [Link deleted]and decided to give it a shot). It’s safe to say that 99.99% of people are able to get enough time for 2 light workouts a week, they just aren’t willing to!
In fact, there is always time, another thing is your motivation and interest in sports. I often choose the sport that I am interested in doing or even develops excitement in me. For example, not so long ago I signed up for badminton training because this game was interesting to me. And it’s a great way to keep fit.