It’s summer time and who wants to spend time slaving over a hot stove, right? What would be better than
delicious, healthy, vegan food, delivered right to your door not matter where you live?
This week, one lucky winner will receive a Gobble Green Dinner Kit, a $60 value!
This includes one whole week of vegan dinners & dessert! 7 tasty, no cooking necessary meals – just heat & serve!
Check out the prize right here
Here’s how you enter to win:
Leave a comment telling us why you need a week off from the kitchen.
Be sure to leave your email as well so that I may contact the winner. Winners will be chosen next Monday, June 21st by
Congratulations to Grace ; ) You were chosen by as our Gobble Green winner! All entrants, thank you for entering and please keep trying as we have weekly giveaways for lots of great goodies!
my wedding plans were put on hold when my fiancée lost his job about 4 months ago. Over the last 6 months I’ve been working two different jobs. I work from 5:30am to 11:30am and then off to my other job from 3pm to 11pm. I work 4 double shifts during the week and the other 3 days when I work half days I try to be in my kitchen eating something healthy. But working two jobs back to back is exhausting and eating healthy and budget isn’t always an option for me.
Having gobble green would help so much especially since i don’t have all the time in the world to prep a meal and have something quick to eat. It would a necessity for me to have something healthy to eat on the go than skipping meals in general because of the lack of vegan options out in the middle of nowhere in california, Palmdale
Since I take care of myself all the time, having a week of Gobble Green would be akin to someone else taking care of me. 🙂
I think my kitchen needs a vacation from ME.
It would be fabulous to have a week’s vacation from the kitchen and would love to try new vegan food! 😉
Because no one cooks for me and it would be wonderful:)
Because I will be convalescing my husband next week after his surgery.
I’d like to spend the time volunteering! Thanks.
Since I have only eaten my own vegan cooking, I would really enjoy the experinece and culinary expertise of Gobble Green.
Because I live in the sunny San Fernando Valley sans air conditioning with three hot and hairy canines, too many felines to count , AND my manchild of a husband whose persistent refrain for the past ten years has been the following: “Why clean? We’re under renovation…”
Love to try new food especially with no prep! A summer vacation for my kitchen – Yeah! 🙂
I’m so busy gardening, shopping for fresh ingredients, cooking, planning — one week off from cooking would help me catch up? Maybe?
I would like a week off from cooking so I could focus for one solid week, be inspired by the food I received, and use that to push me into the next productive week. ; )
Being bogged down with stress from all sides, I haven’t really been able to spend too much time in the kitchen. Having a week of nutritious and healthy vegan cuisine will inspire me to get back in the kitchen with a new fervor!
I’m a lot of things, a mom, a wife, a vegan, a writer and a yogini. In January, while I was back in school completing my 200 level teacher training to become a certified yoga teacher, I lost my job. Our family income was cut by half.
My son is only 1 1/2 years old, while I was pregnant we decided to buy a house – anyone with a mortgage and a 1 1/2 old knows how hard it is to make ends meet when you’re not making any money. But we try. I now work as a yoga instructor 3 days a week and once a month I go to a subsidized building that houses handicapped individuals and seniors to teach them.
In my off time I’m working on my first novel, selling things on ebay and still looking for another part time job to help us put some money in the bank ever now and again.
I would like to have a week off from cooking so when I finally get my son to be and my husband is home from work I can just simply sit down and have dinner with the man I love. We would be able to spend a little more time together – which would be wonderful. I would be nice to have a week off from… well, the life of trying to figure out a new way to make beans look enticing! lol…
I am a stay at home mother of four who is finishing up my last semester of my Bachelor degree program and could use the extra study time without taking more away from my kids! Also, I am newly vegan, so the exposure to more yummy dishes would be fabulous!
I’d love to win so I can taste the best vegan food and spread cooking ideas to others!
Who doesn’t need a week off from cooking?!! =)
I would love to be able to spend more time in nature, connecting with myself and the universe, meditating.
So I can spend more time with my one year old son after I get home from work. <3
So I can spend more time running!
: )