A face mask should revitalize and refresh your skin while using only the best and most organic materials. Natural ingredients are gentler on your skin than synthetic materials and cheaper than less effective commercial products.
Be sure any ingredients you use are free of pesticides and other caustic substances. Certified organic products are the best and safest ingredients. Remember, you’re applying these mixes to your face — you want only the best.
You may have the simplest of all face masks sitting in your kitchen — the humble banana. Just mash up a ripe banana and spread it evenly over your face. Let the mask sit for ten to twenty minutes and then rinse with cold water.
If you want, add a tablespoon of dark organic honey to the mask. Honey has antibacterial properties which prevent infection.
Avocado, Honey, Cucumber
If you have dry skin, consider an avocado, cucumber and honey face mask. In addition to honey’s antibacterial properties, avocado contains a wealth of vitamins to revitalize and soften the skin, including B vitamins, Vitamin E and Vitamin K. As for cucumbers, they’ve long been used to reduce puffiness and skin inflammation.
To make the mask, mash ½ a ripe avocado with one tablespoon of dark honey with two slices of cucumber. Apply the mask and wear for 15 minutes.
Oatmeal Facials
Oatmeal facials require a little more work than the first three face masks on this list, but nothing’s better for rough or angry skin. Oatmeal’s soothing properties make it ideal for applying to eczema or acne outbreaks.
To make the facial, mix 1/3 cup of instant oatmeal with ½ cup of hot water until the oatmeal soaks up the water. Add a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of unsweetened yogurt to the oatmeal and blend the mixture until smooth. Wear the mask for ten minutes, then wash off with warm water and pat the skin dry.
Coffee and Cocoa Masks
Coffee and cocoa don’t sound like obvious choices for a facial, but caffeine helps reduce puffiness. To make the mask, blend together 2 tablespoons of freshly ground coffee with an equal amount of cocoa powder, one tablespoon of honey and three tablespoons of sour cream or yogurt.
Apply the facial for ten minutes. As you rinse off the facial gently massage the skin and pat dry.
Facials provide more than just a feeling of freshness and revitalization to the skin. Facials are used everywhere from beauty salons to addiction rehab centers to promote relaxation or a feeling of wellness. And by using natural or organic materials, you avoid exposing your skin to artificial toxins or harsh chemicals.
BIO: Alicia Lawrence is a content coordinator for a tech company and blogs in her free time at MarCom Land. Her articles have been published by Her Fitness Hut, Examiner.com, and Ask Miss A.