If you are an active person and regularly participate in sports then it is inevitable that you will experience an injury at some point. Most of the time these injuries are nothing major and a bit of rest and some home remedies will help you get back to your passion quickly. However, some injuries require more of an effort for recovery.
Brushing off an injury that is more than a few aches and pains will likely result in a more serious problem taking longer to recover from. What you do after an injury is very important. Recovering the right way can help you get back on your feet faster and reduce the risk of further damage. In this article, we will go over some tips on how to recover from a sports injury.
1 – Do rehabilitation and therapy
One of the best ways to recover quickly from a sports injury is to get professional help from a clinic such as Broadmead Physiotherapy. This involves therapy and rehabilitation designed to help your body recover and return to its full strength and mobility.
Not all sports injuries will require physical therapy so it’s important to look for signs. For instance, if you have persistent pain that is making your everyday life more difficult then this means you need to take it seriously as an injury and not just aches and pains. When something simple like taking the stairs or lifting an object becomes a challenge then it is time to consider physical therapy.
2 – Use the RICE method
When you realize that you were injured while participating in a sport, you have to act quickly to take care of it yourself to make sure it doesn’t get worse. There is an easy to remember sequence you should initiate right away called the RICE method. It is an acronym for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation.
After an injury it is important to stop your physical activity and rest to give your body a chance to heal itself on its own. While you are resting, you should apply ice to the area that is injured to reduce inflammation. Wrapping the area up with bandages or a compression sleeve will control swelling. Lifting the injured area is also going to help reduce the inflammation there.
This is the first step but if you still have a lot of pain then this is a more serious injury that requires therapy.
3 – Take medication
One of the reasons an injury is painful and takes a long time to recover from is the excess inflammation. When you aren’t able to use compression or elevate the area, it is time to take some medication to alleviate it.
Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen or acetaminophen are helpful in reducing the pain and swelling of an injury so you can move around without too much pain. This allows you to gently keep the area moving and loose so it can heal.