While soaking up the sun, both in our daily lives and when traveling, can be a lot of fun, it’s important that you are always safe when doing so.
After all, prolonged exposure to UV rays can make your skin age prematurely while also leaving you vulnerable to a range of health complaints – especially if you’re often sunburnt!
With that in mind, here are some top tips that you can use to stay safe in the sun!
Wear a hat.
Wearing a hat, such as one of the stylish Western Ball Caps, is one of the easiest ways to protect yourself from the sun. This is because it adds an extra barrier between your scalp, face, and eyes and the sun, reducing potential damage triggered by exposure to UV rays. Much like sunglasses, it can also reduce the glare from the sun!
Wear sunglasses.
Not only can wearing sunglasses make it easier to see outdoors, but they can also help reduce sun damage to your eyes, which can lead to various vision problems. For example, “overexposure from UVA rays can cause the development of cataracts and macular degeneration,” both of which manifest as some form of sight loss.
Do not make the mistake of believing that sunglasses are only summer accessories! While this may seem surprising, sunglasses are essential in cold weather, too.
Remember that SPF is your best friend!
SPF products and sunscreen are perhaps the best way to protect yourself when spending time in the sun. However, this is something that you should wear year-round. After all, your skin can still sustain UV damage when the sun appears non-existent or hidden behind clouds!
There are many well-documented benefits associated with wearing sunscreen. For example, “studies show that regular daily use of SPF 15 sunscreen can reduce your risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) by about 40%, and lower your melanoma risk by 50%.”
Beyond this, wearing sunscreen can also help prevent premature signs of aging, such as wrinkles, fine lines, and dry skin. This can help you obtain a natural, healthy glow!
Spend some time in the shade.
While you may be keen to spend as much time in the sun as possible, knowing when it take a break is also crucial. Typically, it’s advised that you avoid the sun during peak hours (typically around mid-day) by spending some time in the shade or indoors. This is because the sun’s rays are at their “strongest”, and, therefore, most harmful during this time.
Know how to treat sunburn.
While working to avoid sunburn key, knowing how to treat it effectively can reduce or prevent long-term damage. For exmaple, once burnt, you should avoid spending any more time in the sun, and apply a cool compress to the affected areas. Stay well hydrated by drinking plenty of water, and use fragrance-free moisturiser or after-sun products to care for your skin. If your sunburn is severe, consider seeking out medical attention in order to proeprly address this issue.