Hearing aids come in all different styles. It’s important that you find one that is comfortable and practical for your lifestyle. Below are a few tips on how to choose the right hearing aid if you think you may be experiencing hearing loss.
Talk to an audiologist
Before looking into hearing aids, it’s a good idea to book a hearing test with an audiologist. This will give you an idea as to the extent of your hearing loss and the exact prescription that you need. Certain styles of hearing aid may be better suited to certain types of hearing loss, which an audiologist can help you with.
You can buy hearing aids without a prescription – there are over-the-counter hearing aids on the market that are self-adjustable and available in various sizes. However, prescription hearing aids are usually a better option if you want the best hearing quality. Using your audiogram, an audiologist will be able to finely tune the volumes of each frequency so that your hearing is as sharp as possible.
Understand the different styles
There are a few different styles of hearing aid. Each style has its own abbreviation (or in some cases an individual letter). These determine whereabouts in/around the ear the hearing aid is worn. These include:
- Behind the ear (BTE)
- In the ear (ITE)
- Receiver in the ear (RITE)
- In the canal (ITC)
- Completely in the canal (CIC)
Some styles like CIC are less visible, but smaller – meaning more fiddly batteries and less features. Bigger hearing are typically more visible, but can come with an array of features and are easy to handle. Some styles may be better suited to certain levels of hearing loss.
Try a few on
Your hearing aid needs to be comfortable, and the best way to find a comfortable hearing aid is to try different styles. You may find that a certain style feels more snug and doesn’t create as much feedback.
Custom-fitted hearing aids are an option for those willing to pay a little more. These can be molded to the shape of your ear to provide maximum comfort.
Consider your budget
Hearing aid pricing varies a lot depending on the style and features that you opt for. You should consider your budget when exploring different styles.
Depending on your hearing needs and your lifestyle, it may be recommended that you spend a little extra on a hearing aid. For example, if you’re a musician, you may benefit from buying a specialized hearing aid with features like noise reduction, telecoils and multiple microphones.
Know when to replace
If your hearing aid is quite old and worn, you may want to consider upgrading it to a new hearing aid. Hearing aids can start to work less efficiently over time. You could find that you’re also missing out on a range of cool new features by clinging onto an old device. Consider how long you’ve had your hearing aid – if it’s a few years, you may want to consider replacing it with a newer model.