Each type of acne looks different, is caused by varied elements, and thus, has its distinct treatment tactics. One treatment plan, however, works wonders on all acne types, and that is UVTreat’s FDA-approved UVB therapy devices that empower your body to treat and prevent acne flare-ups.
What is Acne & What Causes it?
Sufferers of acne are often invested in acne healing stages. However, the symptoms, healing stages, and treatment plans differ with the different types of acne. Thus, to fully understand how to best tackle your own condition, it helps to comprehend the topic on a deeper level.
Acne, generally speaking, is usually a form of inflammation that happens on the skin or below it. The inflammation results from a host of different reasons, such as the following:
1. Stress, especially chronic stress;
2. Certain types of foods, most commonly dairy;
3. Hormonal imbalances, such as those that result from conditions like hypothyroidism and PCOS;
4. Genetics, since a family history can play a role;
5. Infections, such as bacterial infections that can affect the skin and worsen the condition;
6. Irritations on the skin, like excessive rubbing and scratching;
7. Clogged pores, as is the case when hair and glands get filled up with dead skin cells, oils, and other substances.
Types of Acne Lesions
There are several main groups of types of acne lesions, and they are not difficult to understand. They look distinctly different from one another, and there’s a good reason why.
While you try to analyze the types of acne and attempt to understand your condition better, keep in mind that one individual may have multiple types of acne in the same spot or different spots.
While acne is usually most prevalent on the face, back acne, shoulder acne, chest acne, scalp acne, groin acne, buttocks acne, and neck acne are quite common as well. So, make sure you do not neglect your less visible acne flare-ups.
Blackheads and Whiteheads (Comedones)
Whiteheads and blackheads are types of acne that are referred to as closed and open comedones, respectively.
As discussed in the reasons for the development of acne, sometimes clogged hair follicles and pores can result in acne. This is exactly the case with comedone acne.
The difference between whitehead acne and blackhead acne is that, with whitehead acne, the skin over the pore is sealed. This means that the issue with the clogging of the pore is happening under the skin, giving the acne a white-colored appearance.
As expected, with blackhead acne, the pore is exposed to the elements, and the acne thus becomes melanated. This turns the white color into black.
Papules and Pustules
In a similar fashion to comedone acne, acne related to papules and pustules also has to do with clogged pores. However, with these types of acne, the blocking is taken up a notch as it gets inflamed and affects surrounding tissue as well as deeper tissue.
Here, the inflammation can turn into an infection, as the substances blocking the pores may include bacteria.
Papule-related acne has to do with the inflamed pores, while pustule-related acne has to do with the infected pores.
Nodules and Cysts
Nodules and cysts are somewhat related to papules and pustules.
Nodule-related acne is caused by a clogged pore that escalates into deeper skin layers, leading to a hard and often painful node that appears at the surface of the skin. The substances clogging the pores are significantly accumulated under the skin.
Meanwhile, cyst-related acne is when these large pouches of clogged substances around and under the pore get infected with bacteria, as is the case with the pustules. The cysts are a result of pus forming in the region. Cyst-related acne is described as being more painful than nodule-related acne.
Different Types of Acne
Other than the types of acne lesions that are categorized in accordance with how they appear, we can further subcategorize acne based on the exact cause or causes that have resulted in the acne flare-up.
Acne Vulgaris
This form of acne appears as a result of having follicles and pores blocked by different substances. These substances include oils, dead skin cells, and sometimes bacteria.
As you can deduce, the above-mentioned types of acne lesions are considered to fall under the umbrella form of acne – acne vulgaris. Naturally, this makes this type of acne the most prevalent.
Hormonal Acne
As the name suggests, the reason why this form of acne develops is a hormonal imbalance.
Usually, a very high prevalence of hormones like estrogen or testosterone can result in acne skin manifestations.
Certain conditions can cause hormonal acne, such as thyroid issues, cysts on the ovaries (PCOS), pregnancy, and menstruation, to name a few.
Acne Conglobata
Unlike acne vulgaris, this form of acne is much less prevalent. It is also a quite serious form that often results in skin scars.
This type of acne develops as a result of having multiple, large nodules forming under the skin. The nodules of acne conglobata may continue to enlarge under the skin and form connections with one another.
Acne Mechanica
Acne mechanica, as the name implies, results from mechanical damage to the skin itself. The damage is often excessive, continuous, and usually extreme enough to result in acne.
Such damage may include constant friction, rubbing, or pressure.
The Acne Severity Spectrum
The severity of your acne condition is associated with the types of acne you have as well as their prevalence.
The spectrum ranges from mild to moderate to severe.
On the milder end of the acne spectrum, the majority of the acne flare-ups that the individual has are made up of comedones. There may be a handful of pustules and papules here and there.
On the moderate end of the acne spectrum, the majority of the acne flareups are similar to those on the milder end of the spectrum, except that there are more comedones and more pustules and papules.
On the severe end of the acne spectrum, the majority of the acne flare-ups that the individual has are made up of more intense, bigger, and more painful pustules and papules, as well as nodules and cysts.
Treating Different Types of Acne
Since the causes and manifestations of acne differ greatly, it makes sense that so do the available treatment tactics.
Blackheads and Whiteheads
Since this is the more prevalent form of acne, and since comedones are on the milder end of the acne spectrum, the acne treatment tactics include simple, over-the-counter medications, such as salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide.
Papules and Pustules
Antibiotics are given to those with infections (as seen with pustules). In both cases (papules and pustules), the treatments of choice are similar to those used for comedones, with the addition of retinoids.
Retinoids are given in the form of topical creams or pills that are infused with Vitamin A. In large doses, or when taken for an extended period of time, retinoids can cause many side effects.
Nodules, Cysts & Acne Conglobata
For this form of acne, isoretinoin is the most commonly prescribed treatment. Isoretinoin is more commonly referred to as accutane, which is a medication that is notorious for its long-lasting and harsh side effects.
Acne Vulgaris & Hormonal Acne
When the cause of the acne is hormonal, it is best to discover what the underlying condition is. Once the underlying condition is identified, the hormonal levels can be stabilized in hopes of alleviating the acne and stopping it from worsening.
Other treatment tactics for acne can also be deployed, such as creams and peels.
Acne Mechanica
For this form of acne, the general treatments used for comedone acne can be used here as well, such as salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide.
In addition to these acne medications, it would be beneficial to prevent the mechanical damage to the skin that is causing the acne flare-ups to occur. Wearing looser clothing and not scratching your skin are some of the recommendations for this type of acne.
Note that, in all of these conditions, regardless of the severity and the type, it is important to understand the root cause of the problem. Tackling the source that is causing acne flare-ups will help alleviate symptoms and prevent future flare-ups.
Additionally, the great majority of the treatments prescribed for acne come with a plethora of potential side effects. These side effects can have serious consequences and lead to permanent changes.
There is hope for those with acne for a solution with minimal to no side effects. This hope is in the form of UVTreat’s innovative phototherapeutic devices.
These UVB devices allow you to target specific areas of the skin with controlled doses of UV rays that promote the skin’s ability to heal itself. The therapeutic rays reduce inflammation, have antibacterial properties that help rid you of infections, and even aid in minimizing scars.
UVTreat’s FDA-approved devices are ideal for acne and other skin conditions. Studies have even shown that UVB therapy for acne gives quicker results than other well-known treatment tactics for acne.
In summary, we can deduce that each person’s acne condition can differ in terms of the type of lesion, cause, and severity. The more you understand about your acne condition, the better you are able to treat it.
Further, it is evident that the currently available and prominent treatment tactics for acne are coupled with serious side effects. That, however, is not the case with UVTreat’s UVB therapy devices which work wonders on all types of acne, and they reduce symptoms, minimize flare-ups, and have little to no side effects.
The odds are finally in your favor with this innovative technology.