It is becoming more common to take special, themed vacations as opposed to just taking some time off of work and finding the nearest beach. Don’t get me wrong: That can be a fine vacation as well. It just lacks a certain flair that themed vacations provide.
One of the most natural themed vacations is a wellness vacation. It is a purpose-driven vacation that knows what it’s about. It has direction and an implied goal. You have a pretty good idea when it is going well and when it is going off course. There are a lot of vacations that breeze right past you. By the time they are over, you either feel like you didn’t accomplish what you wanted to, or you might feel so exhausted that you need a vacation from your vacation. Neither of these are good outcomes.
This is where wellness vacations come in. You are taking the vacation precisely because you are out of sorts and need to be re-centered and revitalized. That means you have to be intentional about doing the things that get you closer to those goals. If the idea of a wellness vacation sounds intriguing to you, start here:
Vitamins and Supplements
Before you set sail on your wellness vacation, be sure to get an adequate supply of elderberry gummies. You are going to need more than one jar. Pack one in the carry-on and keep another by the nightstand. You don’t want to be without one of the best sources of anthocyanin on the planet. Especially on a wellness vacation. That is because anthocyanin is known for its ability to fight unstable molecules. Let’s face it: Those free radicals aren’t just going to fight themselves.
Anthocyanins are sometimes credited for fighting off heart disease, and inflammation, not to mention cancer. Those are lofty claims that you should probably run past your doctor if you are looking to deal with any of those maladies. They are almost certainly a wise addition to your supplemental regimen.
Elderberries are both beautiful and delicious in addition to also being natural and healthy. The only thing that could make them better is to make them into gummies. Because everyone knows that everything is better as a gummy. Just ask your kids. Then share your healthy gummies with them. Pack enough for the whole family so that no one has to vacation without them.
An Open Mind
The USA is not exactly known as a wellness destination. It is known as a place with doctors that are the next best thing to miracle workers and medicine that can literally cure a bad attitude. This is the place you want to be when you are sick or injured. However, it is not the most obvious place to be if you want to live a life of wellness.
Our food choices and eating habits tend to make us unwell rather than well. Much of it is a matter of upbringing. We have the ability to do better. But to do better is to constantly run afoul of our social norms. A wellness vacation can provide a real palate cleanser in more than one way. We just need to retrain our brains and expectations. If you are going to get the most from a wellness vacation, you need an open mind. That does not mean you have to give up science-based medicine. But medicine is not wellness. It is what you seek when you are unwell. You have to reexamine the underlying issues that make you unwell in the first place. That is where an open mind will come in handy.
Recovery Time
A wellness vacation is still a vacation. It will be as full of fun and adventure as any other vacation. You don’t have to be foolish about your health to have a good time on vacation. That said, you need to budget the last day or two of your vacation as a cool down period. You want to go home feeling well, not sore, exhausted, and hung over. If you fail to take this step, your wellness vacation will be all for naught.
We could all use a little more wellness in our lives. Whether it is a vacation or just a Tuesday, plan your day so that you can take your supplements, keep an open mind, and wind down gracefully.