Popular New Year’s resolutions are to work-out more and get into shape. As summer approaches, that resolution resurfaces and people want to get their summer bodies back in a matter of weeks.
Where most people fail in their workout routines is not knowing how to increase stamina the right way. Not only does this make exercising harder but it also can lead to injuries.
Are you thinking about giving up on exercising? Don’t quit! Keep reading for seven tips to help increase stamina and reduce pain.
Why it’s Important to Increase Stamina
There are two types of stamina that get us motivated and moving. One is mental stamina and the other is physical stamina.
In its basic form, stamina is the drive and ability to stay the course in physical activity. Whether you are out running or participating in a Body Pump class, you need the stamina to get to the end.
Before starting a workout regimen, get a physical and follow any recommendations made by your doctor.
Once you get started, try the following steps to build endurance.
1. Workout Often
It is important to be consistent in your workout routines. Set the days of the week, times of day, and types of exercise you’ll engage in. If you will be using a gym or fitness center, do your research and see what types of courses and programs they offer.
2. Do Reps
When working out do not try to do an activity without stopping. For example, if you’re doing 100 jumping jacks, do them in reps of 20 with a 30-second break in between.
As time progresses, increase the reps and decrease the break.
3. Warm-up Before Exercising
Always do a warm-up before a workout routine. This could include muscle stretches, jogging, or riding a stationary bike.
Your warm-up should last about 10 – 15 minutes. Failing to warm up can lead to injuries. If you find that you have chronic back pain after you start working out your doctor may recommend spinal decompression therapy or other treatment methods.
Don’t let your pain stop you from pursuing your fitness goals, there are always options to help you get back on track.
4. Wind Down Afterwards
At the end of your workout take some time to wind down. Your routine can include slow stretches. If you have access to a pool or sauna, you can utilize them.
5. Eat Healthy Foods
We should all eat healthily but if you are going to work out, what you put inside your body can make a difference when you’re trying to build up stamina. For best results, add more fruits, vegetables, and more protein to your diet.
6. Drink Fluids
Remaining hydrated when working out will help increase stamina. When we work out, we lose fluids through sweat. You want to replace those fluids to protect the muscles and organs.
7. Remain Positive
Most important to any challenge is remaining positive. A positive attitude goes a long way in helping us stay motivated until we reach our goals.
Let’s Get Moving
Increase stamina while working out and you’ll increase the chances of sticking to your goal to get fit. Following these tips and researching more ways to stay motivated is always a great idea.
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