Skin care involves a lot more than simply cleaning and moisturizing it. Managing your stress levels, getting enough exercise and sleep, and having a healthy diet are also needed. We all have different skin types too, and this can determine if you need any additional treatments such as moisturizing masks or exfoliating scrubs. As we age, we might also turn to more permanent things. Let’s take a quick peek at some of the things that you can do to take care of your skin.
During the first part of your life, you might not have cared too much for your skin. However, as you age, your skin changes. Nearly everything that you do to your skin will leave some sort of lasting impression, but aging is something that will happen naturally. You will get wrinkles; your skin can get thinner and sag and begin to dry out. You might try different types of facial creams for aging skin. You might also try Botox to stiffen the skin up and make it look younger. This is more popular than you might realize.
Clean It
If you aren’t quite at the Botox stage yet and want to stay that way for as long as possible, you need to keep your face clean and moisturized. Wash it twice a day. This will keep oils off of it to improve your complexion and prevent any breakouts. Follow that up with a bit of toner and moisturizer. Also, if you wear makeup, remember to remove it before sleeping.
There are some great ones out there as well as some great ones you can make at home, such as one made from pumpkin. Pumpkin is actually great for the skin, believe it or not. It increases the turnover of cells because of the enzymes and the alpha hydroxyl acids and this will make the skin brighter and more toned. The Vitamin A and C in it will assist with softening and soothing skin while also preventing signs of aging. The seeds of the pumpkin have a lot of Vitamin E and fatty acids which can regulate the sebum in the skin.
It is recommended that you wear sunscreen on a daily basis if you want to care for your skin. This is regardless of the season or the weather. You also should avoid the sun between the hours of 10 and 2 in the afternoon. Wearing wide brimmed hats along with long sleeved shirts and long pants is also recommended. Also, avoid tanning beds as they also produce the UV rays that are bad for the skin.
When you take a shower or bath, skip the hot water and use water that is lukewarm. Yes, the hot water might be very relaxing, but it also might strip your skin of the natural oils. This can lead to your skin feeling dry and patchy. Additionally, if you naturally have dry skin, you should use a body wash that is moisturizing and has natural oils like olive, coconut, or almond.
Don’t Rub It
When you are wet, gently blot your skin dry using a towel. This applies to more than just your facial skin… it applies to ALL of your skin. Even better? Leave your skin a little bit damp. This allows your skin to absorb the extra moisture so that it can rehydrate itself.
Do this while your skin is still a little bit damp. Use creams and facial moisturizers on your face and body butter or lotions on your body. You also might want to change the type of lotion or moisturizer you use based on the season. Use ones that are richer and heavier during the winter and lighter ones during the summer. Think about using one that has a bit of SPF so that it can guard your skin from the harmful rays of the sun. Remember that ALL types of skin will benefit from moisturizer. This includes oily skin. Choose a gel based or light weight moisturizer if you have oily skin. Be sure to try different types of facial creams for aging skin.
Do this at least once a week to slough away those dead skin cells if you want to leave your skin feeling as smooth as a baby’s bottom. If your skin is dry, consider doing this on a daily basis. Choose your exfoliating scrub with care. Ones with larger grains will be more abrasive.
For more tips like these, visit authority health
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