While the traditional route for scoliosis treatment often leans toward braces or rods to support the spine, we take a different path. We believe in a natural, functional strategy that focuses on empowering the spine to support itself. By reinforcing the spine in a corrective position, it is better equipped to resist the progression of scoliosis. Such a comprehensive treatment often encompasses chiropractic care, exercise therapy, active and passive rehabilitation, and corrective bracing.
One significant challenge patients face is the need to visit multiple clinics or specialists to receive a comprehensive treatment. Our training bridges this gap. We have undergone extensive certification to ensure we can provide a one-stop solution for our patients. The treatments are coordinated, ensuring that they complement one another.
Typically, rehabilitation involves thrice-a-week visits over a span of 12 to 16 weeks. Subsequent evaluations determine the efficacy of the treatments. While this gradual method proves beneficial for pain, disc problems, and injuries, scoliosis requires a different approach. Given its complex, rigid, and progressive nature, scoliosis treatment requires greater intensity over a shorter duration.
Our approach emphasizes concentrated scoliosis treatment sessions, which doesn’t equate to pain, but merely implies condensed, intense sessions. Following in-office treatments, we provide tailored home programs to ensure long-lasting results.
Key Elements of Our Scoliosis Treatment:
- Scoliosis-Specific Chiropractic Care: Traditional chiropractic techniques often fall short when addressing scoliosis. Our approach, termed CLEAR™, was tailored for scoliosis patients, ensuring its efficacy. This method, in use since 2000, is taught at esteemed chiropractic universities and is only offered by certified CLEAR™ chiropractors.
- Scoliosis-Specific Exercises: With roots in Europe, Scoliosis-Specific Exercises (SSE’s) focus on self-correcting techniques. One of the methods we endorse is SEAS (Scientific Exercise Approach to Scoliosis), emphasizing reflex-induced self-corrected posture during daily activities. Alongside SEAS, we employ CLEAR™’s unique exercise regimen, harnessing reflexes for maximum neurological benefit.
- Scoliosis-Specific Therapy: The aim is to mobilize the spine into a corrected position using specialized equipment. This involves vibration, traction, and de-rotation techniques. One notable tool is the Scoliosis Traction Chair, designed to mirror-image the scoliosis. The device’s success has led to the creation of more equipment, like the scoliosis flexion distraction table and vibrating cervical traction.
- Corrective Bracing: Our bracing approach is revolutionary. Instead of just holding the spine, our braces actively reduce scoliosis during wear. Using 3D imaging, ScoliBrace® offers a tailored solution for every patient, addressing the unique contours and needs of their spine.
Importance of Early Diagnosis and Treatment
Early detection of scoliosis can significantly improve the effectiveness of corrective treatments. By identifying and addressing spinal misalignment in its initial stages, patients can have a better chance of correcting or reducing the curve. Advanced technologies, such as digital X-rays, can be invaluable tools in detecting early signs of the condition, ensuring that patients get a head start in managing their scoliosis.
More Scoliosis Treatment Factors To Consider
Here are some of the other factors and considerations you need the realize when considering your scoliosis treatment approach:
Role of Patient Commitment
It’s essential to underscore the importance of patient commitment and consistency in treatment. While our approach provides intensive, concentrated treatment options, the results are more pronounced when patients diligently adhere to prescribed home programs, follow-up visits, and post-treatment exercises. Their dedication plays a crucial role in the overall success of the treatment plan.
Personalized Approach to Treatment
Recognizing that each patient is unique, we emphasize a personalized approach. Factors such as age, gender, lifestyle, and the curve’s severity play a role in tailoring each treatment plan. By focusing on the individual, we can better address specific challenges and needs, ensuring optimal outcomes for every patient.
The Emotional Impact of Scoliosis
Beyond the physical effects of scoliosis, there’s an often-overlooked emotional impact. Feelings of isolation, self-consciousness, and worry can accompany a scoliosis diagnosis. Our integrated treatment approach not only addresses the physical curve but also provides patients with emotional and psychological support. This comprehensive care approach ensures patients feel understood, supported, and empowered throughout their treatment journey.
Post-Treatment Continuation
Even after achieving desired results in-office, the journey doesn’t end. Our comprehensive aftercare program ensures that the benefits gained during intensive treatment are maintained. Regular check-ups, adjustments if necessary, and continued exercises play an integral role in long-term spine health.
Understanding the 3D Nature of Scoliosis:
Scoliosis isn’t just a sideways curvature; it involves a three-dimensional twist and turn. Traditional braces, like the Boston brace, often overlook this rotational aspect. As a result, such designs might inadvertently worsen the condition by increasing rotation. Our bracing solutions, including ScoliBrace®, tackle scoliosis from a 3D perspective. Crafted with precision from 3D body scans, x-rays, and posture photos, our braces promise comprehensive correction.
At the heart of our approach is the understanding that scoliosis isn’t a one-dimensional problem. It requires an integrated, intensive, and comprehensive treatment plan. But yes, scoliosis can be corrected. With our expertise and commitment, we strive to offer our patients a chance at a healthier spine and a better quality of life. Contact us to discover more about our transformative scoliosis treatments.
Severe migraines led a young Dr. Tony Nalda to chiropractic care. After witnessing its transformative effects, he aimed to help others with natural approaches. With degrees in psychology and Chiropractic from Life University, he established a top chiropractic clinic in Celebration, Florida. Witnessing his patients’ struggles with scoliosis, he specialized in its care and earned a certification from CLEAR Institute in 2006, as well as many of the top scoliosis certifications in the world.