If you’re a kid, you might want to live on candy and french fries. You don’t think about your health much since you’re probably more focused on getting the latest video game system or running around outside with your friends. These are some fun years since you don’t need to focus on adult responsibilities.
However, time passes, and once you’re out on your own, you come to realize nobody is looking out for your welfare but yourself. You can still live on junk food for a while, but the older you get, the more your body rebels if you keep treating it that way.
For instance, you start to require more fiber if you don’t want to deal with serious gastrointestinal issues. In this article, we’ll look at some reasons why fiber is critical for healthy adults.
It Keeps You Regular
Doctors estimate that only 5% of Americans eat as much fiber per day as they should. That is because:
- Many of them don’t pay attention to what they eat
- Many do not have healthy food access
In impoverished communities, there are what some people call “food deserts.” These are areas where there are few or no grocery stores that sell the fiber-rich foods adults need.
If these communities don’t get enough fiber, the adults have trouble staying regular. If they can’t have regular bowel movements, they have to strain to try and move food through their systems. That’s not a pleasant experience, and they may have to see a gastroenterologist before long.
You Can Avoid Developing Hemorrhoids
You also need lots of fiber in your diet because if you don’t get enough, you can develop hemorrhoids. A hemorrhoid is:
- An inflamed or swollen vein around the anus or rectum
- Potentially very painful and uncomfortable
If you strain during bowel movements because you are not getting enough fiber, you can develop hemorrhoids, and you’re not going to enjoy that very much. They make it hard to sit down, and almost any activity is a challenge.
A high-fiber diet can combat this, and you may need stool softeners as well. Often, hemorrhoids are the first sign you need to change your diet dramatically.
Fiber-Rich Foods Are Good for You
If you eat more fiber-rich foods, then you’re generally going to be healthier. You can eat a fiber-rich cereal like Raisin Bran or Shredded Wheat for breakfast. You can cook split-pea soup for lunch, and you might have some leafy vegetables as a side item with dinner rather than carbs like potatoes or white rice.
If you overhaul the way you eat by looking at each one of your daily meals and making sure you get fiber with each one, you will be healthier overall. It’s not just that you’ll have better bowel movements. It’s also that fiber-rich foods are almost universally healthier than foods that contain no fiber at all.
With a High-Fiber Diet, You Can Lose Weight Easier
If you’re a little older now, and you have some pesky pounds that you want to lose, a high-fiber diet can help you out in that regard as well. Shedding weight becomes more challenging as your metabolism slows down, but if you ease up on carbs and substitute fiber, that can help you drop the weight, along with exercise.
If you combine a high-fiber diet with exercise and boost your water consumption, you’ll feel astonished how you can facilitate weight loss. Even if you add fiber to one or two meals per day and still allow yourself one unhealthy meal, that’s still a significant improvement.
You Can Save Money Eating a High-Fiber Diet
Even if you live in a so-called “food desert,” there are still ways you can get yourself some high-fiber foods. You might not be able to always find fresh fruit and veggies, both of which contain fiber, but you can still order canned and dried beans online.
You can order beans and other legumes through Amazon in bulk. They will shop them right to your door, and you can look online to find all kinds of recipes. Buying fiber-rich food in bulk does not cost very much, so you’re both eating healthier and saving money.
During a time when so many people don’t have as much money as they’d like, stocking up on fiber and protein-rich food in bulk can get you through some tough times. Plus, you can do all kinds of different things with lentils and beans if you get a little creative.