A proper holiday is a luxury that costs a small fortune. Let’s not mince words: A real vacation is a privilege for the financially well off. These are the people who have so much privilege, they probably don’t even realize it. You can look through their instagram feed and discover they have no awareness of how their flaunting comes across.
They casually drop a few fresh snaps of their latest trip to Barcelona as if it were no more noteworthy than a stroll through their neighborhood park. You smile as they regale you with stories of their latest adventures in Madagascar knowing that the closest thing you have come to that is that long weekend at the Motel 6 on the outskirts of town.
There is a good chance that no matter how long you live and how hard you work, you are never going to make it to Madagascar. Since the company cut your hours, you are probably not going to get back to that Motel 6 any time soon either. That doesn’t mean you don’t deserve a vacation, or something like a vacation. There are many great staycation ideas. But why limit your holiday to rare occasions. Here are a few ways to make everyday a holiday:
Give Your Mind a Break
There is a such thing as being mentally exhausted. We don’t give our brains the break they need because we do not feel pain in our brain. We get headaches. But that is not the same as a brain ache. Despite the fact that we cannot hear our brain cry out for relief, it does. A weary brain needs time to rejuvenate as surely as tired muscles at the end of a day. Lest we forget, the brain is a muscle even without pain sensors.
Those senior brain teasers that are so good for brain health for your older relatives are also good for you. A little time everyday flexing your brain muscle is good for you. Just remember that you also need a little time everyday to relax your brain muscle. You might do so by watching a little mindless TV or reading a trashy tabloid. No judgement. The key is to find that guilty pleasure that turns your brain to a relaxed, blissful mush, and indulge without guilt. When you relax your brain a little everyday, you will get the same benefit as you would from a holiday.
Take a Relaxing Bath
When was the last time you had a bath? Some houses and apartments don’t even come with a bath. There is just a shower. This is not a matter of which gets you cleanest. That eternal debate can be taken up another day. Even the experts say you should take more baths for better mood and sleep.
There are many reasons why baths are so refreshing. First, they are a lot like hot tubs. The difference between a bath and a hot tub is the size and the jets. Everyone feels luxurious in a hot tub. Second, the bubbles are delightful. Set off a bath bomb and you are getting something even better than a hot tub. A good bath bomb is worth the price of admission. Third, there is the quiet time. There is something about a bath that just makes the noise of the day fade away. If you want to get the benefits of a vacation, skip the shower and fire up the bath.
Spend Time with Your Partner
Partners who have hectic days often go to bed without taking some quiet time together. If you are too busy or too tired to spend at least a few minutes of alone time with the one you love the most in the world, then the day has won. Never let a hard day win. It is often said that you should never let the sun go down on your wrath. You should also never let it go down without sharing a smile or a laugh, or. a kiss. You have the power that rejuvenates the one you love each and every day.
You don’t have to go on an exotic vacations to be refreshed everyday. All you have to do is relax your brain. Take a bath. And spend time with the people you love.