Treatment for cancer can be incredibly grueling and can leave you feeling sicker than before you started treatment due to its many side effects. If cancer treatment is making you feel under the weather and getting you down, here are some top tips for keeping your strength up when you are going through cancer treatment.
Get Support
In most cases, the center where you are receiving treatment will be able to offer you support. It is vital that you look around for the best cancer center for you, as well as the right treatment. This will help you to advocate for yourself. You should look for a center that is run by friendly team members who are experienced in their field and can help you feel more positive about your treatment. You should also look for clinics with nice environments that can help you feel relaxed while you are undergoing treatment. For instance, you might decide to speak to the experts at Moffitt Cancer Center.
Look After Your Mental Health
The most important step you can take when undergoing cancer treatment is to look after your mental health. A cancer diagnosis, as well as the side effects of treatment, can make you feel helpless and hopeless, and you might start to show signs of depression or anxiety. If this is the case, you should not be afraid to express your emotions to someone you trust and assess how you are feeling. You should never beat yourself up for how you feel, and you should always seek out the advice and guidance of a therapist. They might be able to help you process your emotional pain and provide you with coping mechanisms that could allow the world to look and feel a bit brighter.
Eat Well
Eating healthily is one of the best actions you can take to look after yourself and your body when you are having treatment. Treatments like chemotherapy might make it difficult to eat or keep down food due to symptoms such as nausea and mouth ulcers. However, maintaining a healthy weight is important, or you might find that your treatment needs to be halted. This means you should fill your diet with light and tasty morsels, such as vegetables and fruit, as well as foods that can make you feel full, such as rice and pasta. If you are struggling to eat, you might consider eating smaller portions or simply eating whenever you feel able to. Even if you cannot stomach some of the healthier foods, which are full of vitamins and minerals, eating anything is better than nothing.
Get Sleep
Many cancer patients sleep more than they usually need to. However, some people might struggle to sleep due to their symptoms or worries about the future. Sleep is important to enable you to make rational decisions and feel emotionally secure. This means you should create a relaxing sleeping environment in your home. You should also keep the space where you are sleeping dark and try to limit distractions in the room. You might cut out screen time before bedtime and try using sleep stories or white noise to get to sleep faster. If you are struggling to sleep, you could try using natural supplements or sleep tea to support your sleep cycle.