When you’re trying to advance in your career, it can take a lot of your talent and energy. If you’re not careful, your job can completely drain your health. It can take planning and discernment to balance your success at your job with keeping yourself healthy. Here are some guidelines that may help you as you work toward that balance!
Choose Healthy Food and Hydration
One of the most important parts of caring for your physical health is choosing healthy foods and drinking enough water to stay hydrated. There’s nothing wrong with indulging in sweets or enjoying an order of fries once in a while, but when most of your choices are nutritious, it will have a positive impact on your health. Choose lean proteins, whole grains, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. Carry a water bottle with you so you’ll be reminded to drink enough water to keep yourself hydrated.
Participate in Regular Exercise
A healthy body needs regular activity to keep a healthy weight. Regular exercise can increase the circulation of oxygen throughout your body. You don’t have to have an elaborate aerobics routine, and getting a gym membership is up to you. However, you can begin by walking 30 minutes a day, a few days a week, and gradually increase that routine until exercise becomes second nature.
Get Enough Rest for Your Body
Exercise is essential for your body to function, but so is getting enough rest. According to Concierge Medicine, adults need seven to ten hours of sleep each night to remain healthy. Keeping to a regular schedule of sleeping and being awake. If you’re having trouble sleeping, the same site recommends relaxing activities in the last few hours of the evening to help your body get ready for sleep.
Report any Work Injuries
If you are hurt while on the job, it is essential to follow your company’s policies about adequately reporting the incident. To be compensated for medical bills and time lost from work, you need to follow regulations to document your injury correctly. After all, in 36 U.S. states, businesses with more than one employee must provide workers’ compensation coverage. This compensation will help you survive financially while you’re unable to work.
Seek Additional Help to Regain Mobility
If you have an injury that impairs your mobility, you may need ongoing help after surgery or treatment to regain mobility. If so, your doctor may refer you to a rehabilitation facility where you can work with physical and occupational therapists. Physiatrists typically head a rehabilitation facility’s staff. You may be interested to learn that, according to the Economic Research Institute, salaries of physiatrists are predicted to be more than $330,000.
Schedule Health Screenings as Recommended
Taking good care of your health should include an annual wellness visit to your doctor. The doctor can let you know if they see any health problems you should address. In addition, your doctor will know of essential health screenings based on your age and health history. Although getting a colonoscopy or mammogram is uncomfortable, those tests can detect some conditions at an early age and allow you to get needed treatment.
Take Care of Your Mental Health
According to Integrity Staffing, mental health is as essential to your overall health as your physical health. Identification of any mental health issues can lead to improved overall health. For example, according to the International OCD Foundation, there are more than 300 OCD international treatment and support groups. With an online search, you may be able to find similar support for any mental health issues that are challenging you.
Balancing a successful career with a fulfilling personal life can sometimes be challenging. However, it is not impossible. With careful prioritizing and by making healthier choices, you will find that balance can become a reality for you.