Is there anything that ruins a holiday more than getting sick during your travels? We all know that we need to look after ourselves no matter where in the world we are. However, this is even more so the case when you head into unfamiliar territory. A new environment brings new threats to our health and new ways of dealing with things. With that being said, we need to learn about the best ways to stay fit and healthy while on vacation. The trouble is that there is so much misinformation on the Internet today, and so we can end up doing harm to our health when we actually believe we are doing some good. With that in mind, read on to discover more about some of the most common myths regarding healthy travel so that you do not make the same mistakes.
Going up on deck reduces seasickness – A lot of people head to the top deck when they are experiencing a bit of seasickness. This can actually make the situation worse, rather than better, as there tends to be much more motion on the top deck. This is why it is better to head to the lower decks, although some fresh air will certainly do you good, so opting for the outside areas of the boat is definitely a wise idea. Another tip is to keep your eyes focused on the horizon. This is advisable because it can help you to balance your body and stabilise the motion.
Bottled water is always a safe bet – Yes, you should avoid tap water in most areas around the world, especially in exotic locations. Most places you visit you will be informed as to whether the tap water is safe to drink or not. Even if it is, most people will opt for bottled water just to be safe, and rightly so. However, do not assume that all bottles of water are safe. You will want to make sure the seal is intact. Moreover, whenever you are in a restaurant, make sure the bottle of water is opened in front of you, otherwise it may have simply been filled up using a tap. Also, do not forget that when you brush your teeth you should also used bottled water too.
You can vape while on a plane – A lot of people assume that they can vape while they are on a plane because it is not ‘real smoking’ yet this is not typically the case. The vast majority of airlines do not allow you to vape while on a flight. The best thing to do, of course, is ring up the airline beforehand to find out about their specific rules and regulations. You should also read up on their packing rules too. The last thing you want to do is end up with your items you have purchased from the likes of Vapeshop being thrown in the bin because you have packed them in the wrong bag. Remember, there are now very strict rules regarding liquids and what can be taken on as hand luggage.
You don’t need travel insurance with an EHIC or the equivalent – A lot of people believe they do not need travel insurance if they have a European Health Insurance Card, or any other type of similar card that is applicable for other destinations. However, this is not the case. It all depends on the country you are visiting and the way the healthcare system is set up there. Even if you can get state healthcare, you will have to pay for it, and it is unlikely that you will be covered for everything. The best thing to do is take out health insurance so that you do not run the risk. Furthermore, when taking out a health insurance plan, make sure that the country you are visiting is covered in it. Just because a plan is called worldwide does not mean that it actually is.
It is dangerous to swim after you have eaten – A lot of people believe you are at a greater risk of drowning if you swim after you have eaten. There is no evidence to suggest that this is the case. There is nothing to say that nausea or stomach cramps are caused due to this either. In fact, all it comes down to is your comfort levels. If you are full, you probably aren’t going to feel as comfortable when you start swimming, but this doesn’t mean there is any danger. Of course, the exception to this rule is if you have been drinking alcohol.
Urine is the best cure for a jellyfish sting – How man times have your parents told you to basically wee on yourself if you get stung by a jellyfish? Well, if that wasn’t bad enough, it doesn’t actually work! It’s just an old wives’ tale. You can ease the pain by pouring some bottled water or seawater over it, but there is definitely no need to use urine!
Hopefully, you now have a better understanding regarding some of the most commonly believed myths regarding healthy travel. Have you been guilty of believing any of the myths that have been mentioned above? If so, don’t fret – at least you know the truth now! Simply follow the advice that has been given above and you can give yourself the best chance of staying healthy and well while you are on holiday.