The world has become extremely fast-paced and everything seems to be moving at the speed of light. Days go by so quickly and we usually find ourselves questioning our lives. Every single person out there is on a constant lookout for assigning some meaning to their lives and is wondering if their actions contribute to something much bigger than themselves.
Researchers believe that the concept of spirituality is the grounding factor for humans. It is like putting the pieces of a giant puzzle together to make sense of this world we all live in. Anyone who believes in a beyond self and that there is more to life than what we see is considered a spiritual being.
Evidence suggests that spirituality is associated with a content, healthier life. It does not matter what religion you follow or your belief system; spirituality has a way of healing the broken soul and improving the well-being of individuals. Let’s look into how spirituality can impact your life positively.
Strength in community
Spiritual qualities inspire us to do good for ourselves and others. Qualities like kindness, compassion, justice, and mercy are extremely important in community building. Spirituality makes you humble and encourages you to help others to the best of your abilities. You become more vocal about justice, equality, tolerance, and acceptance. You also wish to get involved in activities encompassing charity. Many people formally take up a degree in spirituality to professionally start their careers as spiritual leaders. They work as chaplains in healthcare facilities, military units, universities, and community care facilities to advocate spirituality to people who have or are going through challenging times.
Many spiritual traditions encourage community involvement. This provides people in a community with a sense of belonging and security. Good relations with others positively impact your health and well-being as a strong, well-connected community is more harmonious and thriving.
Overcoming challenges
As discussed above, spirituality deals with the belief that there is more to life than just self. Your perspective broadens when you mindfully observe the world and people. Empathy is the strongest suit of spirituality, and it teaches you humility. This is why spirituality is known to help people heal and overcome challenges and past traumas. This belief that life is bigger than your own troubles and worries is the driving force of positivity in life. Your stress and depression become temporary and you can bounce back much quicker.
Researcher Kristin Neff says that “When our troubled, painful experiences are framed by the recognition that countless others have undergone similar hardships, the blow is softened.” Spirituality helps you to look for meaning in your past traumas and hardships. You begin to strongly believe that everything happens for a reason. No matter what life throws at you, you use it for personal development and evolve as a better human being.
Stress-free life
Spirituality teaches you that there is a Being, a Power mightier than yourself. You begin to realize that nothing is in your control. This feeling gives you the courage to take everything in stride and graciously handle all challenges. Since you have very little power in your hands, it automatically eliminates all the stress away from your life. You begin to see that getting stressed and worried over things you cannot control is useless. If anything, it is negatively impacting your health.
Spirituality relaxes your mind, which in return relaxes your body and frees you from the miniscule worries of this world.
Better health
Many spiritual traditions have rules about treating your body with kindness. Researches show that spiritual people are more cautious and avoid activities that can cause harm to their bodies and health. These people avoid smoking, drinking, committing a crime, or getting involved in a violent activity that can put their bodies at risk.
As discussed above, spirituality makes the mind and body stress-free. Medically proven, stress leads to health conditions like obesity, heart conditions, depression, diabetes, hypertension, and gastrointestinal problems. Studies indeed have proven that a strong spiritual life has an 18% reduction in mortality. There is a positive relationship between good health outcomes and spiritual practices. This makes spirituality an excellent gift to your health
According to an article by Forbes, gratitude is the ultimate gift of spirituality. It becomes a way of life. Your approach to life changes from glass being half-empty to it being half-full. You become mindful and cherish your blessings in life. Your blessings seem in abundance and you don’t feel deprived.
Research by Deepak Chopra states that gratitude and spirituality share a very strong bond. Being spiritual and believing in the existence of the Divine inculcates gratitude and humbleness in a person’s nature. On the other hand, being grateful for everything in life helps you in attaining spirituality.
Psychologists believe that the “me” mentality has negative consequences and breeds negative emotions and feelings. When you are constantly thinking of yourself, you will only get to witness the insufficiencies in your life. You’ll find yourself continually comparing your life with others. These mental competitions can propagate feelings of envy, jealousy, and pride which can greatly harm your personality and mental peace.
Spirituality, on the other hand, is the feeling of freedom. It sets you free from yourself. It helps you break the ego cage of “I” and “me” and see beyond it. This is why spirituality has always been related to positivity. You are always grateful for all you have and strive to help others. You become humble, calm, kind, loving, and compassionate to everyone and your outlook on life becomes positive.
A positive outlook on life is the greatest gift of spirituality. Your perspective on challenges and hardships changes altogether. You become grateful for every hurtful incident you experience in life and you embrace it wholeheartedly. So if anyone ever does anything wrong to you, you find the strength inside you to forgive and let go of all the negative emotions and energy.
Modern science has shown that forgiveness frees the mind of anger, hatred, and other negative emotions which has positive effects on your health.
When you allow your body to see and do good, it frees your mind from stress and worry. Spirituality is a belief, a perspective that opens up a person’s mind to good. Researches prove that spirituality has positive impacts on a person’s individual life and those around them. Opening yourself to the possibility that something out there is bigger than yourself can help you live with a meaning and a purpose. You’ll find your heart and mind at peace and hopeful despite whatever challenge life throws at you. This poise and calm are worth it.
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