If you are constantly feeling the need to make changes in your wardrobe, you might be forgetting some key pieces. It can be very stressful going through each article of clothing to decide which ones go with which and what pieces are no longer needed before it is too late.
With this guide, you will finally undo some of the stress and learn how to organize your wardrobe into an efficient system.
Go Through Your Closet And Declutter
The wardrobe is one of the essential parts of every woman’s life. We have been told from childhood to keep a neat and tidy wardrobe, but sometimes it becomes difficult to stick to that. If you have too many clothes and you don’t wear them anymore, then it’s time for you to reorganize your wardrobe.
Remove everything from your closet and give it a thorough cleaning. This will help you reorganize your closet in a more effective way.
To declutter your wardrobe, start by categorizing your clothing by occasion. For example, you can have a dress for work, a dress for special occasions, and a weekend outfit all categorized under “office.” This also allows you to see everything in one place so that you can easily find what you need.
Another way to declutter your closet is to group similar pieces together. For example, if you have a lot of tanks and tees, put them all in one drawer together. This will help you see what you have more easily and it will help keep your closet organized.
One last way to declutter is by separating clothes by their function. This means grouping similar clothing together, like pants, skirts, tops, and jackets. This will make it easier to find what you’re looking for and help you keep your clothes tailored to your figure.
Donate Unwanted Clothes
After separating your clothes, it’s time to decide what you don’t wear anymore. This could be anything from your favorite outfit that you haven’t worn in months, to an old dress that has been sitting in your closet since fashion changed.
It doesn’t really matter how old the clothing is as long as it doesn’t fit you, maybe doesn’t look as great as it used to, or it just isn’t your style anymore.
Once you have identified all of your unwanted clothes, it’s time to get rid of them. One option is to donate your clothes. Here are some ways you can donate your clothes:
Estate and consignment shops: Most estate and consignment shops want non-unique clothing that can be mixed and matched with new clothing. This means that your donated clothes will likely be put to good use.
Charity shops: Charity shops typically want clothing that is in good condition and new items usually take priority over donation items. However, some charities accept donations from individuals in good condition, as well.
Local recycling centers: Many local recycling centers accept clothes, furniture, electronics, and other household items. Many times, there is a donation pickup location such as in Westminster, where you can drop off all of your donation items. You can simply call ahead to find out the hours they’re open.
Thrift shops: Local thrift shops often pick up items that can be sold off to help fund their cause. Thrift shops generally have very low turnover, which means you don’t have to deal with many salespeople and the clothes are usually in great condition depending on the used clothing store.
Sell Your Clothes
Another way to get rid of your unwanted clothes is by selling them! This is an easy way to make a little side cash for the new clothes that you’re hoping to buy.
Here are some tips on how to sell your clothes:
- Print out a simple online clothing auctioneer and put it in a prominent place in your wardrobe. This will help you keep track of what’s selling and make sure you don’t overbid on an item.
- Make a list of all the items in your closet and prepare an estimated price for each one. This will help you determine how much money you should bring in each time you sell something.
- Put all your clothing into plastic zipper storage bags and organize by season or occasion. This way, it’ll be easier to identify which items are selling fastest.
- Set up a “style alert” on your phone so you know when an outfit you love comes back into style. This will help spur you on to sell that outfit faster!
Storage Space Is Crucial
Now that you have gotten rid of all of the clothes that no longer suit you, it’s time to reorganize your closet.
Here are a few ways to organize your closet without taking up too much space:
Hang your clothes on hangers: This is the most basic way to store your clothes and it works well for a small closet. All you need are some sturdy hangers and a wall or door to hang your clothes on. This is the simplest way to store a lot of clothes and it’s easy to find what you’re looking for.
Use shelf storage bins: If you have a lot of hanging space, you can use shelf storage bins to organize your clothes. Simply place the bins on a shelf in your closet and fill them with your clothing items. This is a great option if you have limited space or if you want to be able to see what all of your clothing items look like at once.
Use home decorative supplies to organize your wardrobe: If you don’t have enough hanging space or want to use shelf storage bins but don’t want to buy any extra furniture, you can use home decorative supplies to organize your wardrobe. For example, cut decorative placemats and baskets into a piece of fabric you have available. The key is to just have fun with it and make it as creative as possible.
Make your own closet organizers: If you’re a DIY fanatic or like to make things from scratch, then this is a great idea for making organizers out of scrap wood and dimension lumber. This method works best in small setups, but it can work really well if you don’t want to buy separate storage units to put all of your closet items in.
It can be tough to keep your wardrobe organized, but it’s worth it in the end. Not only will you save time looking for what you need, but you’ll also be able to wear more stylish and unique pieces that flatter your figure.
Whether you’re starting from scratch or just want to tweak a few things, these top tips will help you get your wardrobe in order. Happy organization!
1 comment
These are very easy to do. Thank you so much for sharing it.