Becoming disabled can be an extremely stressful experience, and one that can often require a long period of readjustment. You might find yourself dependent on the goodwill and hard work of a close friend, family member, or professional carer. If you’re used to doing things for yourself, then this can represent something of a culture shock. Fortunately, there are a few tried-and-tested strategies which you might employ to regain your independence.
Find a Routine that Works for You
Every disabled person will react to their circumstances in different ways. There’s therefore no such things as a one-size-fits-all routine that will make life better for all disabled people. Don’t be afraid to experiment, and try not to be too disheartened when a particular plan doesn’t work out the way you thought it might. Take what works for you, and discard the rest.
Invest in the Right Equipment
Certain purchases can make a major difference to the freedom you enjoy. A quality wheelchair or mobility scooter will be pricey, though will help you to re-gain your independence quickly and in a safe manner. Similarly, you might find modified vehicles which can make a huge difference to your day-to-day life. If you can’t afford to drop such a sum in a one-off payment, then you might look into borrowing – or into government grants and charities.
Do the Things you Love
Becoming disabled needn’t mean that your life is defined by your disability, or that you need to stop doing the things you love. While you’re going to spend a lot of time learning to cope with your condition, it’s important that you spend time every day doing activities that you enjoy. If you played chess before becoming disabled, then you might return to the activity now.
In some cases, of course, you might find that you’re unable to do what you once did. Fortunately, however, there are wheelchair-friendly versions of a range of popular sports, as well as variants which suit a range of disabilities. Alternatively, you might seek out an entirely new hobby to give a try.
Find Role Models
In the majority of cases, you might find that other people have been through the same struggles that you have. Take their experience as an inspiration. The internet offers plenty of opportunity to find networks of mutual support, in the form of podcasts, books and social media. The knowledge that other people have been in the same circumstances can be a source of great solace – and they might have practical tips that help you through the tough times.