Gardening is a great hobby. but it is even greater when you can reap the fruits of your efforts. Growing a vegetable garden can ensure quality and organically grown products, and save you some money along the way. In today’s society having access to organically grown food is considered a luxury, especially in urban surroundings because most of the vegetables available are grown in mass quantities with the use of pesticides, chemicals or genetically modified organisms. This is why it’s important to know what you’re really eating and where it came from. Growing your garden ensures that all you’re putting into your body is wholesome and nutritious.
Not only does growing a vegetable garden give you a sense of pride and accomplishment, but it also gives you a chance to customize the food you’re eating. You eat your harvest right off the vine, but it also gives you more options on what types of produce to grow (and of course how many of them!). This way you will always know that you are getting the most out of your vegetables.
Growing your own vegetables
The first benefit is less stress and access to organically grown food. Having a garden means that you can pursue a hobby that will give back to your health and diet. You have direct access to the vegetables you eat, so there’s no need for labels or outside opinions about the origin of your food. The guys from Urban Organic Yield us that highlight that it also means that pesticides and other harmful chemicals won’t be a part of your daily diet. Consuming pesticides from vegetables that are mass-grown can have negative short-term and long-term effects on the human body.
Your vegetable garden also ensures you’re eating wholesome foods for your entire family. For example, most vegetables are best consumed within hours of being harvested or frozen immediately to enjoy throughout the winter months. This means that families are often forced to purchase vegetables from the supermarket because it’s often not possible for everyone to eat at the same time. Having a garden gives you access to all of those freshly harvested vegetables, so they can be consumed as whole as possible with little to no processing.
Saving money
Growing your vegetables is a great way to save money on groceries and ensures that you’ll always have access to vegetables. A garden is your chance to provide the best product possible for you and your family, so it’s important not to cut corners when planning one. Growing a vegetable garden means that you will save money on groceries because buying wholesale or in bulk usually results in savings of up to 30 percent compared to purchasing items at the supermarket.
You’ll also save money on your water bill. A vegetable garden is a great way to add value to any home, and homeowners can add a productive garden at a relatively low cost compared to other landscaping projects. With the right planning you should be able to have tomatoes all summer, fresh salad greens from spring through fall, and root vegetables from fall through early spring. Depending on the size of your garden, you should be able to have at least one harvest every month during the growing season.
Increase your nutrient intake
Not only will having a garden save you stress, but it also ensures that you’re getting all of those vegetables your body needs. This is especially great for families that are trying to reduce their sugar intake. Many vegetables have higher amounts of vitamins, minerals, and beneficial nutrients when compared to fruit. This means that children are less likely to consume too much sugar in one sitting, which reduces the chances of developing conditions like diabetes.
Grow your social awareness and mental health
You’ll also have a stronger sense of community. Growing a vegetable garden can be a fun hobby for you and your family, and it creates an opportunity to meet neighbors and create strong bonds with those in your immediate area. This is great if you’re trying to promote healthy living within the neighborhood because it gives everyone a chance to contribute to their own health.
Your mental health will also be improved by the amount of time you spend in your garden because it acts as a stress reliever and allows you to enjoy nature in your backyard. This has positive effects on our mental well-being because it encourages people to be more open to new experiences and slow down for a little while each day.
The next time you or someone in your family says they “don’t like vegetables,” mention how it’s important to eat at least 5 servings of vegetables per day. This helps remind them that there are many benefits to consuming different types of fruits and vegetables, even if only half the time! With the right gardening tips, everyone will want to have a vegetable garden of their own.