Your golden years are the perfect time to travel because you finally have the funds and the time to do so! Whether you’re visiting your grandchildren or simply going on a winter vacation, traveling as an elderly person can be a bit tricky. If you or someone you know is elderly and traveling soon, here are some tips to make the trip as safe and enjoyable as possible. Follow these tips and tricks to make sure your senior trip goes off without a hitch!
Pick the right seat
When traveling as a senior, your mode of transport and seating choice becomes very important. It’s important to prioritize your comfort when traveling, so as to not hurt or overexert yourself. When choosing your seat, go for an aisle seat, so you can board the plane with your cane and get to your seat quicker and easier. Whether it’s a long or short flight, getting up for a stretch, or to use the restroom is much easier from an aisle seat. If you can, choose a comfy seat as close to the entrance and exit door as possible.
Destination and accommodation
Choosing the right destination is an important part of making sure you have a safe and fun trip. As an older traveler, your capabilities and interests are going to be different from the rest of the population. It’s up to you to choose the best destination that will align with your interests to have a fun trip! Choose your hotel carefully and make sure to check if they offer assistance or benefits to older guests. Consider booking out of season if you’re looking to avoid the crowds or to save a few pennies.
Anything can happen while on holiday, you can slip and fall, lose your luggage, or get food poisoning at age 10 or 62! As an older traveler, you need to be wary of these tricky situations and be prepared for whatever comes your way. A good way to stay prepared when traveling as a senior citizen is to have some insurance. Should you get sick or injured while on your trip, you want to make sure that you’re covered and protected.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help
Whether during your travels or at your destination, it’s easy to get confused. Don’t be afraid to ask for help with your luggage, directions, or an explanation while traveling. There is bound to be a friendly member of staff present or someone willing, and happy to help, so don’t feel discouraged. Once you’ve reached your destination and you need help getting some internet, a SIM card, or a restaurant recommendation, ask the staff! Don’t overexert yourself, know your limits and capabilities, and don’t be afraid to ask for assistance.
Now that you’ve learned the essential tips and tricks, you’re ready to take on your next trip in a safe and enjoyable manner! Consider booking a flight out of season to save money, and keep to the aisle for easy access and comfort. Choose a destination and accommodation that work best for you and provide you with the kind of holiday you want! Consider getting insurance to cover your trip and don’t be afraid to ask for help! Enjoy your golden years abroad and don’t let your old age stop you from having a good time on your next trip!