Wine Tasting 101

10 Tips

A big part of tasting something is the smell we take in while at it. Fragrances and perfumes pose a risk of tainting the flavors of the wine to the consumer.

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Enthusiasts should research the drinks they are about to taste as there might be a few they want to avoid and some they might crave to drink.

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The consequences of drinking with an empty stomach are not unknown to us. It is important not to get drunk after just a few sips of wine as there might be a whole assortment of drinks still untasted.

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Drunk driving causes thousands of fatalities every year. It is highly recommended to bring a designated driver along or take a lift from someone at the event who remained sober, although it is unlikely.

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This surely is necessary. Tasting multiple drinks might cause an accumulation of flavors in the mouth, causing diminished tasting senses after each drink.

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Dressing for the event is very important. Choose an outfit that does not come in the way of a comfortable evening of drinking. It is wise to avoid carrying extra bags or equipment while in the process of roaming between tables.

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Wine producers are eager to display their best products on these occasions. Who knows, a random new drink might turn out to be the most preferred drink for a fanatic in the long run.

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Drinking red wine can stain your teeth red. After finishing a drink, be sure to rinse your mouth with water or consume food so that the dye is somewhat washed away.

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If the organizers allow, it is a great idea to take photos of some of the finest gems in the collection. You may forget the taste of most, but the photos will remain and can be shared with friends for future recommendations.

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Rushing things can get you drunk before you want. Take breaks between sips, be jovial with the other attendants, and enjoy an evening of classy pleasure.

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