Insomnia and sleeplessness affect many more of us than you might assume. Up to one-third of all adults experience insomnia, a number that rises higher the older that you get.


Create a better sleeping environment

Simply put, if your bedroom isn’t up for the job, you might have a hard time getting your eyes closed.


Take a moment to stop

One great thing that you can incorporate into your bedtime routine is that of mindfulness meditation.


The supplemental options

Lavender has been used as a home sleep aid for centuries. There are also more modern options, like magnesium supplements


Work it out

Exercise is excellent for helping you improve your sleep in the long term, but the short-term release of happy hormones like endorphins can help quell stress before bedtime, as well.

It’s important to try out more than just one approach, as often, the solution differs from person to person since the causes can differ so much, too.

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